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Farmers National Bank – 211 Lincoln Way East

The home of Hicks and Carrie Jacobs Brown stood on the southeast corner of

Lincoln Way and Second Street Southeast before it was razed to make way for the bank.  Carrie Jacobs Brown was known to have the most extravagant hats in town at the turn of the last century.

Over time, the grade of Lincoln Way changed and the expansive front porch of the Brown residence became more of a balcony.  It was an honor to be invited to Mrs. Brown’s parade viewing parties on her porch.  Two years after her passing, when the new residents hosted a party to watch the 1933 National Recovery Act parade, the porch collapsed under the weight of 21 guests.  None were injured but a Boy Scout, who was volunteering as a parade marshal suffered a broken arm as he helped folks off the damaged structure.

Carrie Jacobs Brown

Directions: Keep walking two blocks up the hill on Lincoln Way East past the tan stone Methodist Church with the Town Clock in its steeple.  Pause at the corner of Fourth Street and find on your phone a photo of the home that originally stood where the family living center stands diagonally across the intersection.  It’s the building that looks like a 1950s motor hotel, which is what it was.