Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Follow the green arrows on the signs as you walk
Founded in 1962, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church purchased its building on Fourth Street in 1971. The church is known for its beautiful vocal music.
Built as Massillon Social Club during the 1890s, the building was the scene of family parties, gala balls, and a particularly notable reception for Governor McKinley as he left his Ohio post to campaign for the office of President.
When the third-floor ballroom was the Massillon Red Cross headquarters during World War I, local volunteers rolled bandages there to send overseas for wounded soldiers. After the Massillon Social Club disbanded, two churches called the building home before it became Mt. Calvary Church. The second, the Assembly of God congregation, built additions to the front and back of the original structure.
Directions: Turn left and walk one block (downhill toward downtown) on Federal Avenue. Cross Third Street, then turn left and walk one block on Third Street Northeast to Lincoln Way to see the First Church of Christ Scientist.